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18 years old
Nr Ipswich (suffolk)
Born Oct-1-1989
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Joined: 11-September 07
Profile Views: 155*
Last Seen: Today, 10:35 PM
181 posts (1.25 per day)
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28 Jan 2008
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Todays Ipswich Ride
just a couple, took 150 photos but can't be arsed to reduce the resolution on all of them to put on here so you can just have these ones for now (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

the sky was pretty nice while we were at the skate park (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

and thats sean x-uping down the big stair set at wolsey thearter (IMG:style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif)
Attached File(s)
 jeremy_barspin.jpg ( 106.15K ) Number of downloads: 14
 jeremy_boost.jpg ( 24.78K ) Number of downloads: 11
 jeremy_footjam.jpg ( 34.29K ) Number of downloads: 22
 sean_boosting_stairs.jpg ( 109.94K ) Number of downloads: 9
 sean_stairs_x_up.jpg ( 79.7K ) Number of downloads: 11
25 Jan 2008
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I Just Attacked My Friends Bike With Spray Paint!
he was amazingly un-pissed-off!

I think it's a work of art (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

I just dropped the forks out and ghetto'd it up a bit (it was black)

Attached File(s)
 jeremy__s_ghetto_bike.jpg ( 329.24K ) Number of downloads: 37
24 Jan 2008
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A Few Of My Ex Bikes...
found a few pics of my old bikes and thought i might aswell stick them up here!
I'm 18yrs old and I've had 21 bikes in my life but these are some of my favourites!

I wanted to include my current racing bike but i cant find any pictures of it, its a pimped out Orbea Enol with ITM carbon forks and a hope mono/mavic wheelset and other flashy bits!

my current bmx can be found here (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

My old trials bike

My lovely Monty (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

My pimpin' green fixed:

My old BMX:

My singlespeed XC bike with nearly every component in the Hope range! (came 2nd in the Marin winter series 2006/07!)
Attached File(s)
 trek4300_001_midres.jpg ( 292.07K ) Number of downloads: 6
23 Jan 2008
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Ipswich Skatepark
I took some pics of my mates riding today but as per usual didnt get any of myself (IMG:style_emoticons/default/sad.gif)

Just a selsction here, say if you want any high res versions, all lower quality to post up here more easily

Seans the one in the darker top and Jeremy has a lighter t-shirt and a backwards cap...enjoy (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

oh yeah, and thats sean doing jumping some huge stairset at the wolsey thearter (12 steps i think) in the pitch black!
Attached File(s)
 Jeremy_air.jpg ( 27.74K ) Number of downloads: 6
 Jeremy_air2.jpg ( 62.76K ) Number of downloads: 8
 sean_clicked_turn_down.jpg ( 32.13K ) Number of downloads: 10
 sean_flying_.jpg ( 27.21K ) Number of downloads: 9
 sean_hipping.jpg ( 35.24K ) Number of downloads: 5
 sean_is_a_cunt.jpg ( 31.34K ) Number of downloads: 4
 sean_stairs02.jpg ( 93.97K ) Number of downloads: 24
 sean_tabled_hip.jpg ( 31.89K ) Number of downloads: 4
 sean_turn_down_hip.jpg ( 30.65K ) Number of downloads: 8
 sean_whippy_turndown.jpg ( 14.88K ) Number of downloads: 8
23 Jan 2008
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Mutiny Eden
This is my bike with borrowed wheels because winstanleys are proper gays and still havent delivered my rims!

Bit of a Spec
*Mutiny Eden frame (20.5tt) sprayed pearlecent purple
*Odyssey 41 dirt forks
*Odyssey elementary stem
*I'm ashamed of my temporary fashion bars (they're also bent!)
*supertar internal headset
*United value Mid BB
*Premium cranks (stripped)
*Fly sprocket (30t)
*Gusset half link chain (i regret it!)
*Current back wheel:My grey Odyssey hazard casette that i built onto a shitty old hazard light rim last night just so i could ride today!
*Current front wheel: a salt wheel that i pikeyd from my friends old we the people!
*Back wheel by the end of the week:Grey hazard casette built onto black Gusset trix (48h)
*Front wheel by the end of the week:Grey vandero built onto black Gusset trix (36h)
*Odyssey Mr. Clampy
*Odyssey Senior comfy seat!
*Odyssey Jim C pedals
*Diamondback cactus micro adjust post (cheap and cheerful!)
*a pair of grips
*Odyssey 2.2 dirt path front tyre
*Odyssey 1.85 path rear tyre
*I need some barends!

I think thats about it.
It looks shit in the picture because it's dirty and the paint doesnt look too great, it looks spanky in real life and the paint looks different colours at different angles to the light!

I havent weighed it yet but it's not too bad.

It's used for all types of riding so it's a pretty versatile set up.

Everything is function before fashion so i dont really care how you think it looks but you can comment on it anyway (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
Attached File(s)
 my_bike_.jpg ( 79.93K ) Number of downloads: 54
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Lo-Fi Version Time is now: 3rd February 2008 - 11:40 PM